Resisting Arrest, N.J.S.A. 2c:29-2

This morning seven activists deployed a 70-ft by 35-ft banner that reads “RESIST” above the White House. This was call for YOU. #ResistOften
— Greenpeace USA (@greenpeaceusa) January 26, 2017
Have you noticed #resist on social media? Unless you live under a rock, the answer should be an emphatic yes! Its rise in popularity appears to be a result of the election of Donald Trump. For example, after his first Muslim ban, #Resist and #TheResistance appeared in over 2.5 million tweets Read more
Two teens allegedly fled police in a stolen vehicle and disappeared on a private school campus in Hightstown, New Jersey. One suspect according to the media allegedly drove the vehicle recklessly and fled from police in the automobile. Next, after crashing at the school, the pair ran onto campus and disappeared after hopping a fence, according to the press. Eventually officers arrested them hiding on the roof, according to nj dot com. Consequently, police charged the older suspect with Eluding, according to media reports, among other allegations. Read more