The Four Sources of Juror Lists in New Jersey

“The human animal differs from the lesser primates in his passion for lists.”

juror source listsYou received the juror questionnaire and summons in the mail. After reviewing and answering the questions, you returned them to the court. Along the way, did you wonder how the court tracked down you for jury duty? In our day and age, with scarce privacy and anonymity, this appears to be a reasonable question to ask. Indeed, the author of the above quote, H. Allen Smith had the right idea. The answer is juror source lists.

Juror Source Lists

The Assignment Judge of your county combines the following lists of New Jersey residents at least once annually:

  • Registered voters,
  • Licensed drivers,
  • Filers of State gross income tax returns, and
  • Filers of homestead rebate or credit application forms.

The Assignment Judge receives these lists from the:

  • County election board,
  • Motor Vehicle Commission (formerly Division of Motor Vehicles), and
  • State Division of Taxation

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list. Either the Assignment Judge or the New Jersey Supreme Court may rely on other sources for the juror list, too. And perhaps as a concession to citizens, the court is supposed to exercise “reasonable efforts” to eliminate name duplication.

Unforeseen Consequences

Obviously, all New Jersey citizens must serve on a jury. Nevertheless, this is one instance where the government co-opts personal information for purposes a citizen might not have considered.

To illustrate, unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy. Likewise, consuming alcohol can lead to the impairment of one’s senses. And naturally, abstaining from food can lead to physical weakness.

Accordingly, the likely and foreseeable consequence of registering to vote is participation in an election. Similarly, the likely and foreseeable consequence of applying for driver’s license is operating a motor vehicle.

But how is one to know or anticipate these contacts could lead to jury duty?

Criminal Defense Attorney Michael Smolensky, Esquire, knows how to protect his clients. Mr. Smolensky can provide consultations on all cases regarding jury selection and trial in New Jersey.

Call Now—(856) 812-0321.